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22 Benin Bronzes Handed-over by Germany to Nigeria in Abuja




22 Benin Bronzes Handed-over by Germany to Nigeria in Abuja

German Foreign Minister, @abaerbock Annalena Baerbock and @claudiaroth_official  Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture and Media, has today, returned 22 Benin objects to Nigeria.

The ceremonial handover held in Abuja saw the presence of the minister of Information and Culture, Hon. Lai Mohammed, Director General, National Commission for Museums and Monuments, Prof. Abba Isa Tijani, Director of Museums, Mal Abdul Mohammed Gimba among others.

These collections are from German museums and over a thousand more works of art from the  @rautenstrauchjoestmuseumkoeln, @markkhamburg, @humboldtforum, @grassimuseum.skd and the Linden Museum will follow.

Annalena Baerbock said at the handover: “It was wrong that these Benin bronzes were stolen and it was wrong that our country kept them. Even if the return cannot heal all wounds, it is an important step in coming to terms with Germany’s colonial past. We also want to face this part of our history.”

 Claudia Roth emphasized: “At this moment, which not only connects our two countries but also our continents, something new begins. It’s a good day when someone long gone returns to the place where they belong. It is a day of joy for us too.”

 These objects date back to the royal palace of Benin Kingdom in 1897.

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