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The Museum Magazine 2023

It gladdens the heart to note that considerable attention is recently being paid to the museum Institution in Nigeria. The immediate past administration led by Mohammadu Buhari demonstrated this with his last-minute romance of the institution in the twilight of his administration. The rendezvous, nevertheless, birthed some concrete assurances, some of which have received immediate action, and others to be followed up in time.

On the International Cultural scene, Nigeria appears to be gaining huge attention, occasioned by the repatriation and return of precious Benin bronzes adorning scores of museums in Europe, the Americas, and other parts of the world. Thanks to the deft diplomatic and negotiative skills of the Abba Tijani led NCMM which have recorded massive positives and unprecedented responses from holders of our cultural materials, turned collaborators and development partners.

The Commission joins others in the Art and Culture Community to warmly welcome Barr. Hanny Musa Musawa, the New Hon. Minister for Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy. We are particularly excited by her energy and spark with which she promised to support the Commission especially, in ensuring the delivery of an Abuja National Museum during the administration of President Bola Tinubu. It is an assurance that brings so much hope. We are ready to hold on to her hands in this relationship.


Dapo Sijuade


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